
Feeling, Dealing and Healing...

  A life of my own but for living it, I felt need of a guide, To love, to care, to share and cry, I sought someone by my side. People to inspire me to climb, when I fall down, someone to hold, Friends to party on summer and a partner to cuddle when cold. We all lean on each other and all of us require a team, But when alone I felt incapable, hollow did it seem. I wasn't aware that I am enough for me to feel fulfilled, When my body would be in pain, self-care would have it healed, Just a tiny bit of focus and counter thoughts could get dealt, Until I realized, I had created the gaps and I myself could have it sealed. So I tried, tried filling the holes and embracing myself  as a whole. Tiny habits I had to change, constantly push myself towards my goal. Books when I held in my hands, no sooner they became my friends, I learnt, laughed and cried at times, my heart was starting to mend. As time ticked off, more and more did I, fall in love with me, My body was happy, so was my mind, g

I started to believe again...

I have started to believe a little more, When a guy soothed my heart which had always been sore, Flaws he didn’t count as inner beauty he praised His manners and maturity showed how well he was raised. When I couldn’t love myself and did much of a harm With affection and passion, he taught me to be calm. Doubting and self-loathing; when reality was hard to face, He encouraged me to get up and start fixing the mess. I could totally be me and act crazy with him around, He inspired me to fly yet to value the ground, In both highs and lows, he tightly held my hand. With him, time kept slipping away like grains of sand. Grateful I feel to have always had is back. Love made me strong enough to accept what I lack, I, now have faith in sunshine that shows up after rain, After I met him, I started to believe again. Here begins the healing...

Behind the Closed Door…

  Just few steps to my room and I was ready to pour, Falling drops when touched my lips tasted bitter and sour, I closed the door softly, pretending; to not let them know, Fear and anxiety pricked me; as on the ground I laid low.   Though their shouts and curses was low to my ears now, I couldn't get rid of dark voices that followed me somehow. My hands wrapped my knees and tears couldn't stop but roll, Scared and tired, I didn't know when I feel asleep on the floor.    My waking up was sudden when mother called my name, An hour had passed since and situations weren't the same. She put me food on the table, not uttering a word, Her silence might have reasons; it hit me heavier than a sword.   Wanting to know but couldn’t dare to ask her on the face, With a heavy heart I left, how much I wished to have solved the mess. Shutting the door, I plugged in some music and fall back to bed, Let my mind wander around the closed walls, so I could clear my head. “You never know wha

Embarking upon a New Journey

  "The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams" - Oprah Winfrey Hidden among the sheets of diary, my thoughts hadn't made any noise But now they wish to be addressed and seek a voice. In need of courage to share and reflect of what I thought, Defeating those dark fears, freedom of words I sought.   Life gets tough when you go against opinions and believe otherwise, When you let go of mediocrity and chase better highs, Moreover, strenuous it seems if they ask you to stop the run, But the moment you decide to thrive, your journey will have already begun.   Certainly, no one can promise you an adventurous road but of ease, Only for those who dare to bear it all, the miraculous joys never cease. You live the moments, laugh till it hurts and be ready to learn. Cause, life is a great teacher; only sincere students have wisdom to earn.   It's in your hands either to carve unique patterns on the canvas or follow the trai