I started to believe again...

I have started to believe a little more,

When a guy soothed my heart which had always been sore,

Flaws he didn’t count as inner beauty he praised

His manners and maturity showed how well he was raised.

When I couldn’t love myself and did much of a harm

With affection and passion, he taught me to be calm.

Doubting and self-loathing; when reality was hard to face,

He encouraged me to get up and start fixing the mess.

I could totally be me and act crazy with him around,

He inspired me to fly yet to value the ground,

In both highs and lows, he tightly held my hand.

With him, time kept slipping away like grains of sand.

Grateful I feel to have always had is back.

Love made me strong enough to accept what I lack,

I, now have faith in sunshine that shows up after rain,

After I met him, I started to believe again.

Here begins

the healing...


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